
Start fooling around?

This is the dream when I was still studying at Yuntech.

Now, I'd finished the graduation examinations last Thursday.

Now, I've come back Tainan for VACATION!!

With several days of fooling around and without nothing hurrying to do, I feel completely relaxed. What a wonderful feeling it is!!

Although I have to go back Tauliou tommorrow, it's enough for me to RECOVER from the hurts I got in graduation exams!!

I'm not kidding. Anyway, it's over.

I'm going to start another life pretty soon. Now is the transition period from a student to an OL or teacher.












Schindler's List-辛德勒的名單



戰爭到底是什麼呢? 它的意義又有多大呢? 大到連人命都如螞蟻般不值得一顧? 而犧牲了這麼多人命又為世界或是國家帶來什麼新意義呢?





Busy days

Day after day, I'm getting busier since final examinations are coming next week. Day after day, I'm being exhausted due to lots of assignments and final papers dued next week.

I'm feeling that I'm not a students who is going to graduate pretty soon from the university. I'm feeling that I'm a busy bee overburdened!

You want to know how busy I am? Fine! I'll show you my schedule. Today, my group members and I spent the whole morning till 13:20 in order to finish the term project of CALL. However, we still didn't finish it, how miserable we were!!(Before today's meeting, we had had at least two meetings before! Can you imagine how much time we spent?) Sorry, I'm not blaming you. I'm just tired of this kind of busy life. Next Monday, I have two final exams that also take time to prepare. Next Tuesday, I have to do the rehearsal for the final presentation of Speech class. Next Wednesday is the day for final presentation of Speech class and I also have to prepare for the evaluation of Interpretation class. Thursday, there's a horrible final exam for Translation class. At night, in CALL class, I have to present special topic-Introducing useful teaching resource to classmates. In that class, all of the students are also required to share their comments/suggestions to others' midterm projects. Moreover, it's the day for every group to present its final project-webquest. Start feeling blue? I can't! I have to hand in my final project for Assessment for English Teaching before Friday. Want to commit suicide? No, I can't. During next week, I still have to work! I'm a part-time English teacher in a cram school. Although I'm always so busy with my daytime classes, I still have to spend time to design my curricula, prepare the teaching materials come up with new activities and teach after school!

My godness! I'm glad that I'm still alive!

Life is so precious!


Reflections of Van Helsing

Van Helsing Posted by Hello

This is the movie I saw last Saturday. Quite cool, right?

I looked forward seeing it since the very first day it was launched. Maybe from the bottom of my heart, I hoped to see another great movie just like The Lord of The Ring.....

However, I was a little bit dissappointed aftering seeing it. It seemed to lose something. I know, it's about the spirit. Unlike The Lord of The Ring that focused both on the external and internal sides of human's body and mind, Van Helsing did lost something that can touch me. Still, Van Helsing did has something that catches public's eyes such as its cast and adventure. In some degree, it's a good movie.

My photo

My Photo Posted by Hello



說出來也不怕人笑,我竟然把棋靈王從頭到尾看了四次了!! 夠嚇人吧…

回想起來,會接觸到棋靈王這部卡通,是因為哥哥介紹的。 我妹跟我便不知何時開始也迷上了,但是我又不住家裡,沒有電視,真得很痛苦,都已經看卡通看到某種程度了,心裡面就會一直想…一直想接下來會怎樣… 然後,就這麼剛好,我接觸了網路購物,又看到有人在網路上賣棋靈王全套哦! 二話不說,馬上打電話給我妹,兩姊妹商量的結果就是"買了!!" 呵~

想當然爾,買來之後我就開始狂k,有精彩畫面,還可以再重看一次,真是太幸福了!! 老哥知道後自行燒了一套,所以,我這兒這固定有一套可以看,好幸福!! 每當開電腦後,第一件事,再也不是馬上上網收信,而是先看幾集棋靈王吧~~呵~日子就在這樣的循環下,我已經看了棋靈王四遍囉~呼~

其實,剛開始看棋靈王,是迷它的劇情。在重看二、三遍後,會開始思考劇中人物、事情的發展,而且,常會被劇中的對話感動,然後,我就會激勵自己… 就像看了一則勵志短文般,心中又充滿了鬥志!

這才發現,我對自己很喜愛的東西,便會不斷重複地去回味、賞玩。 這樣好嗎? 不知道吶~當然,如果我可以對英文狂熱的話,我的這種習慣當然就是好習慣囉~


Desire to find a new job?

Well, well, well....

I'm going to graduate from NYUST this June.

Desire to find a new job? Yes, but maybe NO.


The reason may be that I still think of what I'm really interested in and what I'm suitable for......

Although I've got a message from "Jordan's Language School" in Kuijing(歸仁) that asks me to have an interview with the boss, I'm still wondering what elso I can do.

Well, well, well.....

Is this what life means?


A New Pair of Shoes

前兩天回台南做了好多事,其中最讓我自己訝異的是我竟然買了一雙新鞋子! 其實買鞋子也不是什麼大不了的事,但是,我是買了一雙有"跟"的淑女鞋吶~ 哇! 有跟的哦,加上一點小尖頭的感覺。 這實在是和我平常的style太不一樣了,平常都嘛是一雙球鞋就出門了,偶爾穿一雙休閒鞋。 有時候都覺得穿上休閒鞋就已經很不一樣了,更何況現在,我的生命竟然出現了一雙"低跟尖頭淑女鞋"!! 這絕對是個奇蹟! 不騙你,我當時一定在臣服於我妹和推銷小姐的口若懸河之下,再無回頭之路了…

啥? 你問我何時要穿? 這個嘛~ 等我有穿上裙子的那一天囉~ 啥? 不懂我的意思? 拜託~你沒看過布丁寫的"不穿裙子的女生"嗎? 呵~

不過,我最近正沉迷於思考我的人生意義。 難道,裙子真的從此消失在我的生命當中嗎? 其實,心中早就升起一股"小小"的聲音說著"偶爾穿一下裙子又不會怎樣",但是,正所謂"心防難突破"啊~ 我就是過不了自己這一關啊~ 而且,想起穿裙子之後,周遭的人會如何地以"異樣"的眼光看著自己就覺得挺可怕!

咦? 我怎麼會從一雙鞋扯到裙子上去了? 我的人生意義呢?
