

很難想像我這樣的年紀竟然身體狀況一堆,這一年來跑遍了各大小診所及醫院…原因就只有一個字…「懶」啊~ 看似年輕,卻因為偷懶而對身體出的狀況有點視而不見,總要很嚴重了,才願意讓那張健保卡派上用場。 於是,身體抗議了,不得不開始了我跑診所及醫院的生涯,所幸,一年來的修養、照顧總算還有作用。 上星期再度向醫師報到時,醫師也對我的復原狀況甚感滿意,說只要再吃二個月的藥,如果再度檢驗的結果良好的話,便可以擺脫醫院了。 當下的我真是鬆了好大一口氣,對於我再度重新掌握了自己的健康感到好高興,好高興。

再也不用等上一、二個小時,只為了讓醫師問候一下我的狀況 ; 再也不用在進出醫院時,對於所看到的疾病及人的羸弱,既感概萬分也驚悚不已。

我還年輕,還救得回我的身體。然而,在醫院裡,卻總是看到形形色色的人,而好多的這些人卻已經無法掌握自己的身體了,反過來地,卻是他們的身體控制了這些人,佔據了他們的生活每一天、每一秒。 當身體今天決定要當個乖寶寶,這些人才能輕鬆這麼一天 ; 當身體今天的心情不好,甚至是大發雷霆,這些人便難過了,巴不得從未出生於人世吶~

家中也有這樣的一個人,而這個人卻總是讓家人擔心受怕,因為這個人是還沒長大的大人,因為還沒真正長大,所以不懂得「克制」,所以即使知道面前的食物是對身體不好的,仍要吃下肚、喝下去。 然後某天半夜,這個人嚐到了椎心的痛楚,這樣的痛楚發作了三次,而這個還沒長大的這個人依然還沒長大…

家中有這樣的一個人,讓人心力交瘁。 無法命令這個人不淮做對自己身體不好的事情,也因為總是看到這個人在做傷害自己身體的事,而對這個人生起氣來了,無法對這個人和言悅色…




嘻! 本小姐又上網添購了新玩意兒! 這回的新歡是很有創意的書架,可以視情況來排列、做變化,讓我一看到便眼睛一亮,「哇! 這符合了我心目中想要創造出來的居家之元素之一呢!」 在思考過它的實用性及美觀性後,便是我義無反顧地按下了"我要購買"的鈕…

歷經了一整個下午的「工程」,我終於將它與我的電腦桌結合了,呼~ 為了要讓它和電腦桌match,又陸續調整了電腦主機的位置、書桌及電腦桌的間距,過程中也不得不清理那很久沒碰過的電腦週邊配備的相關線路,弄得我灰頭土臉的…不過,這也算是種大掃除吧… 將閒置空間作了更好的利用,順便四處擦擦抹抹的。 結束時,累歸累,卻也滿心歡欣呢!

Oh~Yeah! 這也是我改善環境又一椿哦!


Super Foods

Again I'm going to share a good article discussing about healthy foods to our body. Hope you like it. (Written by Kathy Matin from Advanced, March 2006)

Fruits and vegetables gain a "super-food" reputation.

If you're the kind of health-conscious eater who eats a new fruit every day and piles broccoli, spinach and sweet potatoes onto your dinner plate, we have a new word for you: guava.

The reputation of these fruits and vegetables as super healthy foods is based largely on their prodigious antioxidant activity. Research being conducted at the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Citrus and Subtropical Products Lab in Florida shows that guava - along with star fruit - belongs in the super-food league, too.

The work of antioxidants

"Antioxidant"(抗氧化) is a buzzword you've probably heard, but may not fully
understand. Antioxidants are plant chemicals (phytochemicals) that have the power to neutralize (抵銷) free radicals (自由基) - unstable compounds generated by our bodies (and found in pollutants like cigarette smoke) that can wreak havoc on our health. Free radicals cause oxidative damage to human cells that can trigger heart disease, diabetes (糖尿病) and cancer.

Here's an illuminating example, courtesy of Cooking Light magazine: Oxidation is what happens when the cut surface of a banana or apple turns brown. Antioxidant power is what lemon juice brings to bear when it's applied to the fruit and prevents the discoloration.

Think of an antioxidant intervening in your body and preventing free radicals from damaging a piece of DNA that regulates cell growth, thereby nipping a potential cancer in the bud, and you can understand why nutrition and health experts are so excited about their potential.

In the case of lemon juice, vitamin C is the operative antioxidant, but there are countless others. Sulforaphane (蘿蔔硫素) in broccoli, lutein (黃體素) in spinach, lycopene (茄紅素) in tomatoes, catechins (兒茶素) in tea and procyanidins (原矢車菊素) in chocolate are just some of the phytochemicals that have made headlines over the past two decades for their antioxidant power.

Super-food antioxidant sources

The public is catching on to the concept. "Consumers are aware of the term 'antioxidant' - they know they're important; they know that they're good for you, and they know that you should eat foods that have more of them," said Ilene Smith, a vice president and director of nutrition marketing.

This growing awareness is opening up fruitful new avenues for producers, marketers and even publishers. Health-oriented Rodale Press offers a hot title, The 12 Best Foods Cookbook - about blueberries, black beans, broccoli, chocolate, oats, onions, salmon, soy, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and walnuts. Notice: The most deeply colored fruits, vegetables and legumes are generally the most nutrient-dense.

Experts say two important messages are emerging form antioxidant research. First, that the health benefits of these phytochemicals are derived from whole foods, not from supplements. And second, that "the synergistic effect is powerful" - in other words, that antioxidant activity isn't the function of a single vitamin or nutrient but of countless compounds in a fruit or vegetable working together.

Continuing research

Dietitian Karen Collins, a nutrition advisor to the Americal Institute for Cancer Research, offers caveats. For one thing, she said, scores like the ones reported by the USDA are from lab tests, and determining whether they translate into higher blood levels of antioxidants in people who consume the fruits is a "a huge task." In addition, it is important to remember our understanding of the thousands of potentially health-boosting chemicals in plant-based foods is in its infancy and that new findings are continually emerging.

Just as we can't choose foods only for their vitamin content, Collins said. "It's important to point out that just choosing fruits and vegetables by their antioxidant potential isn't wise, either." With that in mind, she said eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and nuts remains the best way to go.

Wow! From this article, I do learn more about how to eat foods. As it said, never pick and choose what you like to eat, but do eat what your body needs. Also, don't rely on diet supplements such as all kinds of Vitamin ingots. I believe that's the last bottom to defend.